On 09 january 2022 ICCP has signed an agreement of collaboration with Crime Stoppers Spain which is a chapter of Crime Stoppers International. Globally, Crime Stoppers is recognised as a trusted information service for people to anonymously share what they know about unsolved crimes and criminal activity.
The role of Crime Stoppers España is communicated on its website: (www.csiworld.org).
The International Council for Cooperation and Peace (ICCP). Established by EML
More information about ICCP
Make a change to serve Humanity was the motive for establishing this Council. The world is witnessing wars, conflicts and polarization whether it is ideological or armed polarization among other forms of polarization, causing retreat in human values worldwide and paving the way to the language of power and weapons to be the ultimate judge, which contributed in the escalation of human suffering and human disastrous causing a vast increase in the number of victims, marginalized and vulnerable groups.
Watching the world depart away from human values, becomes an imminent responsibility of all to take measures to spread the message of human fraternity and peace in all possible ways, and to emphasize that the true power is the power of tolerance, peace and to elevate the voice of reason to preserve Human Right regardless of any other political, religious, ideological, and ethnic concerns. As such we have decided the need to establish this Council to serve these human aspirations.
Preserve human dignity, establish ways of coexistence and understanding based on the principle of respect and acceptance for the other, also based on the principle of human fraternity as well as reject bigotry and extremism in all its forms and ways, and enhance human values.
Guidelines and Principles
The council is based on the foundations of mutual cooperation, respect the rights of others, respect religious freedom, and equal rights of all members of Human Family. It also, based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Marrakesh Declaration that is centered around “ Al Madenah Charter” which was conducted 1400 years ago between Prophet Mohamad Peace Be upon Him and Al Madinah citizens, the charter established for the principals of contractual citizenship of freedom of movement, property ownership, mutual solidarity and defense, as well as principles of justice and equality before the law. The Council is also guided by the Pope Francis vision concerning the realization of the importance of the principal of Human Fraternity that is considered the key factor for a world of justice. Furthermore, the council is guided by the principals and guide lines of Amman Message of tolerance and rejecting violence as well as showing the true image of Islam.
- Coexistence and conflict prevention and resolution in order to avoid the spread of violence whether it is ideological or direct violence, and encouraging dialogue between all different parties of society.
- Focusing on the issues of refuge and refugees and the ways of dealing with these issues in order to guarantee the rights of all parties concerned and in accordance with international norms and principals as well as with the provisions of international law, also seeking to achieve international support for these human issues.
- Enhance and support the role of women in coexistence , peacebuilding and in mediation in peacekeeping, also supporting all weak, vulnerable and marginalized groups (gender equality), as well as supporting the implementation of UN SER 1325 Women, Peace and Security.
- Contributing to achieve secure and safe societies where justice and understanding prevail in accordance with the United Nations Secretary General’s vision announced in 2017.
- Invest in the technological advancement in Communication and Media tools to serve as means for spreading the culture of peace, coexistence and understanding.